


Zoo Visit

The Limbe Wildlife Centre (LWC) popularly known as the zoo is a wildlife rescue, rehabilitation and conservation education project in Cameroon founded in 1993 and is managed by the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife (MINFOF) and the Pandrillus Foundation.

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Hiking Boando Hills

Hiking Boando Hills Lower Boando is a hilly village at the foot of Mount Cameroon. Tourists desiring a hike along the native trail up the mountain will have an enjoyable experience walking up the Mountain with a variety of flora and fauna. There are mountain elephant trails and rare varieties of birds to watch with good explanations from MICASO Tourist Guides.

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MICASO Cross Country (Mini Marathon)

MICASO ESTATE Guest House organises an annual 15km MICASO Mini Marathon across a few villages at the foot of the mountain. For tourists interested in athletics and mountaineering,

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Visiting Debunscha Village

Debundscha is the village after Bakingili, 30 minutes from Limbe, on the road to Idenau. It is one of the localities with so many sites for familiar and new tourist experiences. Debunscha is globally known as an area with high rainfall.

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Island Tours

The islands guarding the bay of Limbe like huge gates are four in number namely MBOA MWANJA (Bota Island), NDAME, ICHONDI and MONDOLI. They were once villages inhabited by the Wovia or Bota people. Europeans (Portuguese, Dutch, Germans, Greeks, Spanish and the English) who sailed by the coast in the

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Beach Games

The "black" sandy beaches of Limbe's shores are unique because Limbe is at the foot of the 4095m high active volcano Mount Cameroon. Popular wide beaches like Mile 6 Marina Beach, Downbeach, Seme Beach, Tsaben Beach, FINI Beach, Moland Beach Resort are arena for beach soccer and beach volley, among other games.


Limbe Botanic Garden

The German colonial administration created a botanic garden back in the 1890s to tropicalise and experiment several types of plants and trees before they were sown elsewhere in the colony.

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Bimbia Slave Trade Site

The Bimbia Slave Trade site has vestiges (remains of slave warehouses, chains, tools, the Door of No Return etc) of the dreaded Transatlantic Slave Trade. Bimbia was one of the major ports of exit for slaves in Africa and a visit to the site gives an experience of the horrors those captured people went through before

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Watching Mountain Elephants at Bakingili

In the past few years, population of the village called Bakingili has grown, with their habitations and farmlands up the mountain now encroaching into the territory of Mountain elephants who can now be watched in their

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Lava Mountain

Mount Cameroon is an active volcano. It erupted from 28 March-22 April 1999 and the viscous lava flowed down and stopped on the middle of Limbe-Bakingili road, near the SEME BEACH Hotel on April 17, 1999.

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Cultural Exchange

Limbe is a melting pot of cultures which date as far back as its creation. Portuguese explorers and Spanish adventurers first touched the coast in the 14th Century but early records of foreigners arriving and settling in Victoria (now Limbe) for religious, trade or adventure purposes showcase a wide range of nationalities.

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Scuba Diving

Micaso Guest House offers splendid SCUBA DIVING Services to enable you Explore & Enjoy Limbe's Deep Sea. This is a rare experience with the sea. You get to experience and explore the sea world.