4 Local Dishes You Have to Try in Bobende, Limbe 



The southwest is one of the regions of Cameroon and Limbe is one of the towns in the southwest region, however Bobende is a village in Limbe. In addition to that there are some local dishes   eaten in Limbe that every person must try


1. Water fufu/Garri and Eru:

Eru is typical dish of this region; it is made up of okok leaves and water leaves which are all from the spinach family, palm oil and some condiments. Condiments like; meat, canda, dry fish and snails depending of what you choose to put. Moreover, eru is eaten with waterfufu or garri which is made from cassava. Eru is very nutritive and it is an important source of proteins, essential amino acids and   minerals. To try this dish in Limbe, visit   Abane and Sons corner which is found in Lumpsump and it is 18mins drive from MICASO



  2. Mbanga soup and kwacoco:

Bakweri is a typical southwest tribe and this traditional dish is known to the Bakwerians as Ngonya Mosaka is made from grated cocoyam and palmnut juice and it is usually accompanied by condiments like dry fish. This meal is very nutritive because it is rich in carbohydrates, has a good amount of proteins, and has sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C. To try this dish, visit Koko’s lounge which is find in down beach and it is a 15 mins drive from MICASO.


This is a popular Cameroonian dish consisting of grated cocoyam and are tied in cocoyam leaves, then slowly simmered with crayfish, palm oil and various spices. Ekwang is a Cameroonian and Nigerian dish native to the Bakweri, Bafaw Oroko, Cross River State and Akwa Ibom State people who are Cameroonian and Nigerian tribes. Ekwang is very rich in proteins and it contains carbohydrates, cholesterol, sodium, potassium, fiber, vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium and iron. Try this dish in WinnieBills Kitchen which is located in espoir road and it is a 15mins drive from MICASO


4.Kwacoco Bible:

It is a delicacy commonly prepared in the south west region of Cameroon. It is a very delicious meal that can be taken as a main dish, snacks and packs for picnics, some people eat it with Canda sauce, moreover, it is made up of grated cocoyams mixed with fish and palm oil and it is wrapped in plantain leaves and mostly eaten by Bakwerians. It is also very nutritive, contains Carbohydrates, fats and proteins. To try this dish, visit Wood Fire Pizza which is found in Sappa road and it is a 16 mins drive from MICASO

While lodging at Micaso Guest House You can visit local restaurants that offer these delicacies.

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